Dirk Caldwell

Crypto is about breaking the establishment. When my father’s real estate agency tanked during the housing crash; Like millions of others, I felt the shame of being homeless. We had to move from our house in the Hamptons to our grandfather's estate (I mean his house was bigger, his was 10 bed and ours was 7 but there were more people so it felt smaller) in Palm Springs. We were displaced. And as I heard my parents speak in hushed tones about our future, and whether this would ruin our Catamaran trip to The Keys, my eyes turned to the news. Like you I watched the people who were responsible getting massive bailouts and huge bonuses, and like you I had only one thought, “God, I wish I could have gotten in on that.” Why should the banking establishment, the chosen elite, be the only ones who could pull off something like this?

Crypto is also about liberation. I was chained not only by the economic power structure, but also by the moors of academia. In my time at Stanford’s computer science program I watched in horror as my brilliant classmates had all the creativity and free thinking squeezed out, only for our narrow minded professors to fill them with useless buzzwords like “usability”, “privacy”, and “open internet”. It was like a scene out of 1984, everyone barking doublespeak but me. Of course my freethinking and open mindedness made me a target, especially to idiots like professor Collins, who expressed his jealousy by docking me points for ludicrous reasons like “having extremely sloppy code”,“obviously copping from stackoverflow”, and “not turning in my work.” God what an asshole. So I liberated myself from the university and my paid internship as a Cloud Integration Specialist at my grandfather's company, and now I want to liberate you. Liberate you from any concepts, not only of money, but of Crypto

Christopher "The Bulldog" Benedetti

My entire life has been an eternal, Herculean struggle to make it.

I was born in a very poor home in the suburbs of Malibu. I’m talking only 3 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths kind of poor. There was barely enough room for my father’s home gym. I had good parents; they even had the charity to go to my junior high band concert once! But one thing I always resented about them was that they seemed..complacent. I was always looking for more, trying to climb the ladders of society, hungry for success.

I got into entrepreneurship at a very young age with Cutco. I was a top salesperson, but it wasn’t enough. I then joined with Herbalife, truly believing in their promise of health and wellness, and once I emptied my garage of product, I needed more. I needed a greater challenge. Most recently, I rose to silver earnings in Amway, a great success for a modern entrepreneur, but it still wasn’t enough. I was Achilles, I was Odysseus.

When Dirk approached me with this novel crypto venture, I dropped my day job and flew headfirst into the space. Crypto, I’ve learned, is going to revolutionize business. No longer will I be giving my earnings to some a**hole in a suit after all my hard work; finally, we the underdogs are all going to make it.